Human Condition Workshop

True Self Vs. False Self

6-Week Cohort Workshop

The Human Condition Workshop
True Self Vs. False Self

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Human Condition Workshop: True Self / Vs. False Self

Every single person is created as a reflection of the Divine. We are God's image bearers - created with intention and for a purpose...

but, we don't always live fully into that intention, do we? True, we are created for compassion, beauty, love for our community and intimacy with our Creator, but when you sprinkle in some basic human needs, some pain associated with the satisfaction of those needs, some soul wounds we experience when we try to rationalize our pain, and a web of woven false narratives that we accept as our own truth... things start getting complicated.

This workshop is a 6-week dive into the Human Condition. We'll face the net of false narratives and accusations we've bought into, explore where they may have started, and acknowledge how our behaviors and attitudes are effected now so that we can start untangling from the False Self and experiencing the freedom of the True Self.

Human Condition is a 6-week, cohort based workshop. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and weekly rhythms of contemplative prayer and reflection. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.

Facilitator: This course will be facilitated by an experienced ReWire team member

Location: This entire course and cohort will be hosted virtually, live in the ReWire Hub (Unless otherwise pre-arranged as an in-person cohort)

*curious about in-person options for your community? Contact us, let’s talk about it

Course Outline:

Week 1

  • Session 1: The Undragoning of Eustace Scrubb

  • Session 2: Who Are You?

Week 2

  • Session 1: God-Given Needs & Separation

  • Session 2: Who Told You? (Original Wound and Frustrated Needs)

Week 3

  • Session 1: Desert Lions (Three Standards of the False Self)

  • Session 2: Emotional Programs for Happiness

Week 4

  • Session 1: Willfulness to Willingness

  • Session 2: Belovedness

Week 5

  • Session 1: Presence (Entering Into Surrendered Space)

  • Session 2: Search Me, O God

Week 6

  • Session 1: Three Standards of the True Self

  • Session 2: Into the Unknown (Restoring Divine Image)


What is ReWireU?

ReWireU is ReWire's online center for missional living and offers a variety of easily accessible resources to develop our Inward strength in Intimacy with Christ, Outward action in Spirit-powered Impact, and journey walking Together in love. Check out our complete current course list for Contemplatives in Action.

Why ReWire?

ReWire trains people, pastors, and communities to be contemplatives in action. Over the past 15 years we developed and honed a discipleship process for a new era that addresses our deepest need for intimacy with God, impact on our generation, and walking together in love. We team with individuals and church leaders to create highly committed missional communities who bring the hope of Jesus and serve as a healing force in the broken places of the world. Learn more about our story and how we engage our generation.

All of ReWire’s virtual formation is hosted in the new ReWire Hub. Each online course, cohort, or formation community is hosted in its very own unique and private formation environment. These environments are designed, moderated, and facilitated directly by ReWire staff, giving each participant a safe, wholistic, and community oriented space to grow.

In addition to curated formation environments, the Hub is a space for finding resources, connecting directly with us, and building community and connections with a larger community of contemplative activists and change-agents.



Feel free to reach out to us to learn more, we're always happy to connect.